Phase Motion Control
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Direct Drive Generators

Case History

Large low speed direct drive generators
demonstrate lowest mass

Renewable energy:  A number of direct drive Phase Motion Control generators were developed, and are in production, drawing from the Company’s experience in large specialized PM motors and drives.

Generators supplied range from 5 kW in fully packaged format, to frameless units in the 20-75 kW for mini wind power plant, to full size MW class generators in the multi patented double airgap modular technology which allows unprecedented advantage in terms of mass, ease of assembly and efficiency (link alla pagina News).

Additionally, low speed generators are  also supplied for mini hydro plants in the 50-200 kW range, for wave energy recovery, and for tidal energy recovery. Phase Motion Control activities span  all electromechanical and electronic renewable energy fields.

Made in 2008/2010